Week at a Glance 4/15 - 4/19

Hello and welcome to the new week!

Families & Friends,

It is easy to forget, but important to remember that learning is not merely some mental game that shows up on classroom assignments, homework, or tests.  Real learning leads to competency and skill-building in the real world.  Our campus celebrates this aspect of learning with events we host called "experiential learning."  In the coming week we will learn to make and cook pasta from scratch!  Using hand dexterity, paying attention to proper ingredients, and measuring accurately, we will put our creative powers to good use.  Activities like this are so much fun for students and staff!  It is in these moments that students get to see learning come to life!

Nima Duncan

Quick Announcements
-Registration is now open. For current families make sure to re-enroll by June 3rd to continue your journey with St. John’s!

-The senior class will be hosting lunches every Monday throughout Lent to fund their graduation. Each meal will cost $12 and will be meat and dairy-free. If you would like to order a meal or all six meals, please email Mrs. Musleh with the specific dates you would like to buy lunch for your child. The deadline to submit orders is Saturday morning.

Now let's look at what the week ahead will bring:


CLT 10 Testing

All P.E. classes 4-12 will be playing waffle ball to celebrate the opening of baseball season

K-1st Grade will be working on their Journey to Pascha books.

2-3th Grade Art working on recycled material sculptures

Green Classes will be have been learning fruits as of last week and vegetables this week

10-12th Grade Psychology (Mental Wellness) - Students will be going over research methods: Case Study Method. Signs of a Toxic Relationship.


CLT 10 Testing

2nd-5th Grade Social and Emotional Learning will be going over Online/Offline!

4th and 5th grade will continue to be looking into tectonic plates and movement of the Earth's surface

6-8th Grade Art finishing up silkscreen projects

6th Grade English students will explore themes and character traits in "Where the Red Fern Grows."

7/8th Grade English students will continue reading "Evangeline" and making connections to the themes of nature/romantic relationships, as well as exploring literary devices throughout the poem.


2nd - 4th period, we have our Experiential Learning (Pasta-making with Rami, vegan style)

4-5th Grade Art are finishing up recycled material sculptures.

10-12th Religion (Spiritual Wellness) - Students will be studying Orthodox Spirituality: Meaning of "the Fruits of the Spirit."


6th- 8th Grade Water Stewardship will be going over What is Problem-solving?

8th Grade Math will take their test for trimester 5

High School Art/Art History will be presenting final art project section for Art Nouveau and Art Deco.

High School English students will continue exploring and understanding religious themes in "Uncle Tom's Cabin."


6-8th Grade Science will begin working through their light chapter in physical science

8th Grade Photo will continue working on darkroom techniques, burning and dodging also using polycontrast filters.

Adv. Photo/Media will be working on school video and begin working on final portfolio.

Have a great week!

St. John’s Academy

Tania KComment